5.1 Comparing 1988 and 1987: Water Vapor Transports

Because they are recent events, the weak/strong monsoon seasons of 1987/1988 are often used to diagnose low-frequency variability.
The extent to which 1987 and 1988 are representative of interannual monsoon variability is not known however.

Here, differences in key hydrologic components during the monsoon seasons are shown. The years also represent the difference between La Niña and El Niño. Features include:

  • the SPCZ is more active: stronger precipitation, PW, and convergence and warmer SST
  • trade winds are enhanced in the western Pacific

  • the strongest anomalies are in the Pacific Ocean for all fields
    Moisture transports are more clearly seen here. Boundary fluxes for 1988-1987 can be seen here.

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