Hydrologic Cycle of the Indo-Asian Monsoon, Part 2: Interannual Variability

1. Introduction: correlations ENSO/AIR, a brief background: moisture's role
2. A review of the seasonal mean: water vapor transports, and P-E during JJAS
3. Science Questions: click here
4. Methodology: click here
5. Assessing 1987-1988: moisture transports, P-E, precipitable water (PW), and SST
6. Assessing strong and weak monsoon years 1958-1998: moisture transports, P-E, PW and SST
7. Conclusions: click here

[back to home][introduction][seasonal mean][questions][method][1987-1988][1958-1998][conclusions]
[to next page (Niño 3-AI Correlations)]

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