Atmospheric Chemistry: Atmospheric Structure

Atmospheric layers are characterized by differences in chemical composition that produce variations in temperature.

The troposphere (14k jpeg):

  • layer closest to the planet and contains 90% of atmospheric mass
  • average vertical temperature change of 6 degrees Celsius (C) per kilometer.

  • The upper boundary (18k jpeg)
  • ranges in height from 8 km in high latitudes, to 18 km above the equator
  • separates the troposphere from the next highest layer called the stratosphere.



    The stratosphere (22k jpeg)

  • second major strata of air in the atmosphere
  • resides between 10 and 50 km above the planet's surface.
  • Ozone plays the major role in regulating the thermal regime of the stratosphere through solar absorption.
  • home to the ozone layer (27k jpeg), located at an altitude between 20-30 km

  • [Other layers of the atmosphere above 50 km also exist but will not be addressed in this course.]
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